Mickey Owen 8x10
Mickey Owen Autographed 8x10 picture
8x10 B/W photo autographed by Mickey Owen (Brooklyn Dodgers legend) Photo may vary
Famous 1941 World Series error
Category: Mickey Owen autographs, Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Mickey Owen collectibles
Mickey Owen Baseball
Mickey Owen Autographed Baseball
Mickey Owen autographed official National League baseball (Brooklyn Dodgers, Cardinals legend)(Famous for 1941 World Series passed ball)
Category: Mickey Owen autographs, Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Mickey Owen collectibles

Tommy Henrich & Mickey Owen Baseball
Tommy Henrich & Mickey Owen Autographed Baseball 1941 World Series Error
Official American League Baseball autographed by Tommy Henrich (New York Yankees) & Mickey Owen (Brooklyn Dodgers) Commerates famous 1941 passed ball error by Owen allowing the Yankees to make a miraculous comeback win.
Category: Tommy Henrich & Mickey Owen autographs, Tommy Henrich & Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Tommy Henrich & Mickey Owen collectibles
Henrich & Owen 8x10
Henrich & Owen Autographed 8x10 picture 41 WS Error
Tommy Henrich and Mickey Owen autographed 8x10 B&W photo (1941 World Series Yankees vs. Dodgers famous error)
Category: Henrich & Owen autographs, Henrich & Owen memorabilia, and Henrich & Owen collectibles
Mickey Owen 8x10
Mickey Owen Autographed 8x10 picture
Mickey Owen 8x10 Sepia photo autographed
Category: Mickey Owen autographs, Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Mickey Owen collectibles
Mickey Owen
Mickey Owen Autographed
Mickey Owen Signed & Grandstand Auth. Ball - Off Sweetspot
Category: Mickey Owen autographs, Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Mickey Owen collectibles
Joe Dimaggio 11x14
Joe Dimaggio Autographed 11x14 picture
11x14 B/W photo autographed by Joe Dimaggio, Whit Wyatt, Mickey Owen, Dolph Camili and Pete Coscarat. The piece includes a copy of a letter from Mickey Owen.
Category: Joe Dimaggio autographs, Joe Dimaggio memorabilia, and Joe Dimaggio collectibles
Out of Stock
1941 World Series Cut Piece
1941 World Series Autographed Cut Piece
11x14 B/W 1941 World Series photo showing the first and only time Joe DiMaggio charged the mound after Brooklyn Pitcher Whitlow Wyatt through at him - autographed on photo by:Whit Wyatt & Mickey Owen - index cards signed by J.DiMaggio/D.Camill
Category: 1941 World Series autographs, 1941 World Series memorabilia, and 1941 World Series collectibles
Out of Stock
Mickey Owen Card
Mickey Owen Autographed Card
Brooklyn Dodgers baseball card autographed by Mickey Owen
Category: Mickey Owen autographs, Mickey Owen memorabilia, and Mickey Owen collectibles
Out of Stock