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Signed 1 x 1 Piece of Authentic Sod from the Original Yankee Stadium
1 x 1 Piece of Authentic Sod from the Original Yankee Stadium
Signed 12 Baseball display case cube
12 Baseball display case cube
Display Item
Signed 12 Baseball Gold Glove Display
12 Baseball Gold Glove Display
Display Item
Signed 12 Hockey Puck Deluxe Display Case Cube
12 Hockey Puck Deluxe Display Case Cube
Display Item
Signed 16 Pool Ball Deluxe Display Case Cube
16 Pool Ball Deluxe Display Case Cube
Display Item
Signed 17 Baseball Home Plate display case cube
17 Baseball Home Plate display case cube
Display Item
Signed 1927 New York Yankees
1927 New York Yankees
Signed Cut Piece
Signed 1929 Phillies
1929 Phillies
Signed Baseball
Signed 1933 New York Giants Album Page
1933 New York Giants Album Page
Signed 8x10
Signed 1934 Cardinals
1934 Cardinals
Signed Baseball
Signed 1935 Pittsburgh Pirates Album Page
1935 Pittsburgh Pirates Album Page
Signed 1936 New York Yankees
1936 New York Yankees
Signed Baseball
Signed 1937 New York Giants
1937 New York Giants
Signed Baseball
Signed 1939 Tigers
1939 Tigers
Signed Baseball
Signed 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
Signed Baseball
Signed 1940 Detroit Tigers
1940 Detroit Tigers
Signed Baseball